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13 December 2015

Saba Sugata zushi, take away, Izuu, Kyoto (さば姿すし いづう 祇園 京都)

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Fatty but traditional style of Sushi from Kyoto

The Japanese traditional food restaurant Izuu was established on 1781. This restaurant located in Gion Shijo area where was the most crowded area with tourist.
Once we said Sushi, almost all people in the world will image the Edo(old name of Tokyo) style sushi which we call Edo-mae Sushi. Sushi had long history known as the sour rice with fishes. The traditional sushi was fermented rice with fishes. The classical sushi was preserved food for people living in the large cities around Kyoto which located as inland.
The classical fermented Sushi was developed as the Osaka style sushi. Edo-mae Sushi was cooked with fresh fishes and gripped by hand. Osaka Sushi was similar to the classical style of pressed Sushi (called as Oshi zushi).
The Package of Sushi. This season, there has small card printed the snow scene of the shrine.
 The Shime Saba Zushi from Iduu was very lovely taste. Thick mackerel (Saba is mackerel in Japanese) was cooked with rice and Kombu. Shime is meaning soak some ingredient with rice vinegar and Kombu (kelp). The taste and flavour of kelp will go into the meat of mackerel. The various flavour of kelp and rice vinegar, taste of fatty mackerel and kelp Umami, and texture of the thick mackerel will show the nice harmony of the Shime Saba zushi.
You can get the half size of soaked mackerel Sushi at Isetan department store in Kyoto main station.

The sushi was rolled with kelp for soak. Before eating, Remove the Kelp from Sushi.
The small cards described about the restaurant.

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